Maintaining your garage door is important to keep it working smoothly and efficiently. One aspect of garage door maintenance is greasing the moving parts. Greasing the garage door can help reduce friction, prevent rust and wear, and extend the life of the door.

In this article, we will go through the steps from Garage Door Chandler AZ to grease a garage door.

  1. Gather the supplies Before starting the process of greasing the garage door, make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials. You will need a can of silicone spray lubricant, a clean cloth, a ladder, and safety goggles.
  2. Clean the garage door It’s important to clean the garage door before greasing it. Dirt, debris, and old lubricant can accumulate on the moving parts of the garage door. Wipe down the garage door with a clean cloth to remove any dirt or debris.
  3. Inspect the garage door Before you start greasing the garage door, inspect the moving parts for any signs of wear or damage. Look for any loose bolts or screws, cracks in the door or tracks, and worn-out rollers or hinges. If you notice any damage, make repairs before greasing the door.
  4. Apply the lubricant Once the garage door is clean and free of damage, it’s time to apply the lubricant. Start by shaking the can of silicone spray lubricant well. Then, climb the ladder to reach the moving parts of the garage door. Spray the lubricant on the hinges, rollers, and tracks. Be careful not to spray the lubricant on the door’s springs, as they require a different type of lubricant.
  5. Spread the lubricant After applying the lubricant, use a clean cloth to spread it evenly over the moving parts. This will ensure that the lubricant reaches all the areas it needs to and helps reduce friction. Be sure to wipe off any excess lubricant to prevent it from dripping onto the floor.
  6. Test the garage door Once you’ve applied the lubricant, test the garage door to ensure it’s working smoothly. Open and close the door several times to distribute the lubricant evenly. Listen for any unusual noises or grinding sounds, which could indicate a problem.
  7. Repeat the process It’s recommended that you grease your garage door once or twice a year. This will help keep it working smoothly and prevent any unnecessary wear and tear. If you live in an area with harsh weather conditions or use your garage door frequently, you may need to grease it more often.

In conclusion, as per Garage Door Chandler AZ, greasing your garage door is an important aspect of garage door maintenance. By following these simple steps, you can keep your garage door working smoothly and efficiently for years to come. Remember to inspect the door, clean it thoroughly, apply the lubricant evenly, and test it afterwards. With regular maintenance, your garage door will continue to provide reliable service for many years.

Acclaim Garage Door of Chandler

184 E Chilton Dr, Chandler, AZ 85225, United States
