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Tag: garage door repair Mesa AZ

How Much For A New Garage Door – JT’s Overhead Door

The cost of a new  Garage Door Repair Mesa AZ widely depending on several factors, including the material, style, size, insulation, additional features, and installation expenses. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll discuss the various factors that influence the cost of a new garage door and provide an overview of typical price ranges for different types of garage doors.

Factors Influencing Garage Door Cost:

  1. Material:
    • The material of the garage door significantly impacts its cost. Common materials include steel, wood, aluminum, vinyl, and fiberglass.
    • Steel doors are typically more affordable than wood doors, while custom wood doors are often the most expensive option due to their craftsmanship and customization.
  2. Style and Design:
    • The style and design of the garage door, including the panel layout, window inserts, decorative hardware, and paint or finish options, can affect the cost.
    • Custom or specialty designs may incur additional costs compared to standard designs.
  3. Size:
    • The size of the garage door, including width and height, directly influences its cost. Larger doors typically cost more than standard-sized doors.
    • Custom-sized doors may require additional customization and materials, resulting in higher costs.
  4. Insulation:
    • Insulated garage doors, which help improve energy efficiency and temperature control, are generally more expensive than non-insulated doors.
    • The level of insulation (single-layer, double-layer, or triple-layer) and the type of insulation material (e.g., polystyrene or polyurethane foam) can impact the cost.
  5. Hardware and Accessories:
    • Additional hardware and accessories, such as decorative handles, hinges, locks, and smart technology features (e.g., Wi-Fi connectivity, remote access), can add to the overall cost of the garage door.
    • High-quality hardware and advanced features may come with a higher price tag.
  6. Installation:
    • The cost of installation, including labor, delivery, and removal of the old door, is typically separate from the cost of the garage door itself.
    • Professional installation ensures proper fitting, alignment, and functionality of the garage door, but it adds to the total project cost.

Typical Price Ranges for Garage Doors:

  1. Steel Garage Doors:
    • Standard single-layer steel garage doors typically range from $400 to $1,500, while insulated double-layer or triple-layer steel doors range from $800 to $3,500 or more.
    • Custom steel doors with specialized finishes or hardware may cost upwards of $5,000 or more.
  2. Wood Garage Doors:
    • Wooden garage doors are among the most expensive options, with prices ranging from $1,500 to $10,000 or more, depending on the type of wood, design, and customization.
    • Custom wood doors crafted from high-quality hardwoods such as cedar or mahogany command premium prices.
  3. Aluminum Garage Doors:
    • Aluminum garage doors are generally more affordable than steel or wood doors, with prices ranging from $600 to $2,500 for standard models.
    • Custom aluminum doors with specialized finishes or glass inserts may cost between $1,500 and $4,000 or more.
  4. Vinyl Garage Doors:
    • Vinyl garage doors offer durability and low maintenance at a moderate cost, with prices ranging from $600 to $2,500 for standard models.
    • Custom vinyl doors with insulation and decorative features may cost between $1,500 and $3,500 or more.
  5. Fiberglass Garage Doors:
    • Fiberglass garage doors are relatively rare but offer high durability and resistance to dents and corrosion. Prices range from $800 to $3,000 for standard models.
    • Custom fiberglass doors with insulation and special finishes may cost between $1,500 and $4,000 or more.


The cost of a new Garage Door Repair Mesa AZ based on factors such as material, style, size, insulation, hardware, accessories, and installation. Steel doors are generally the most affordable option, while custom wood doors are the most expensive. Homeowners should consider their budget, aesthetic preferences, and functional requirements when selecting a garage door. By understanding the factors that influence garage door cost and exploring different options, homeowners can make an informed decision and invest in a garage door that meets their needs and enhances the curb appeal of their home. If you’re unsure about the cost of a specific garage door or need assistance with selection and installation, consult with a reputable garage door supplier or installer for guidance.

JT’s Overhead Doors

307 N Sandal, Mesa, AZ 85205, United States


How To Program A Sears Garage Door Opener Remote – JT’s Overhead Doors

Garage Door Repair Mesa AZ  Here’s a detailed guide on how to program a Sears garage door opener remote:

1. Identify the Type of Sears Garage Door Opener:

  • Sears offers various models of garage door openers, including those manufactured under the Craftsman brand. Before programming the remote, identify the specific model of your Sears garage door opener. This information can usually be found in the owner’s manual or on the motor unit itself.

2. Locate the “Learn” or “Program” Button on the Garage Door Opener:

  • The “Learn” or “Program” button is typically located on the motor unit of the garage door opener. It may be labeled as such or feature an icon indicating its function, such as a padlock or gear. Locate this button before proceeding with the programming process.

3. Clear Previous Programming (if necessary):

  • If the Sears garage door opener remote has been previously programmed or if you’re setting it up for the first time, it’s essential to clear any existing programming. To do this, press and hold the “Learn” or “Program” button on the motor unit until the indicator light turns off or changes its behavior.

4. Choose a Button on the Remote for Programming:

  • Most Sears garage door opener remotes have multiple buttons, each of which can be programmed to operate a different garage door or function. Choose a button on the remote that you want to use to operate the garage door and ensure it’s not already programmed to another device.

5. Put the Garage Door Opener in Programming Mode:

  • Press and release the “Learn” or “Program” button on the garage door opener to put it in programming mode. The indicator light on the motor unit should begin flashing, indicating that it’s ready to receive programming signals from the remote.

6. Program the Remote:

  • Once the garage door opener is in programming mode, press and release the button on the remote that you want to program. The indicator light on the motor unit should flash or change behavior, indicating that it has received the programming signal from the remote.

7. Test the Remote:

  • Test the programmed button on the remote by pressing it to operate the garage door opener. The garage door should begin to move, indicating that the remote is functioning correctly. If the door doesn’t respond, double-check the programming steps and ensure that the remote was programmed correctly.

8. Finalize Programming:

  • Once the remote is programmed and tested, finalize the programming process by closing the garage door opener cover securely and ensuring that it’s protected from the elements.

9. Additional Programming Options (if available):

  • Some Sears garage door opener remotes may offer additional programming options, such as setting temporary access codes or adjusting the remote’s operating frequency. Refer to the remote’s instruction manual for details on these advanced features.

10. Regular Maintenance:

  • Periodically check and maintain the programmed remote to ensure proper operation. Clean the remote’s buttons and replace the batteries as needed to prevent malfunctions.


Garage Door Repair Mesa AZ  By following the steps outlined above and referring to the owner’s manual for your specific model, you can successfully program the remote and enjoy hassle-free operation of your garage door opener.

JT’s Overhead Doors

307 N Sandal, Mesa, AZ 85205, United States


How To Change Code On Chamberlain Liftmaster Garage Door – JT’s Overhead Doors

Changing the code on your Chamberlain LiftMaster Garage Door Repair Mesa AZ is a straightforward process that can enhance the security of your home and provide peace of mind.

Whether you’ve recently moved into a new home or simply want to update your security code, changing the code on your garage door opener is a simple yet effective way to maintain control over who has access to your home. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of changing the code on your Chamberlain LiftMaster garage door opener.

: Identify Your Garage Door Opener Model

Before you begin, it’s essential to identify the model of your Chamberlain LiftMaster garage door opener. Different models may have slightly different procedures for changing the code, so it’s crucial to consult the owner’s manual or manufacturer’s website for specific instructions tailored to your model.

: Locate the “Learn” Button on Your Garage Door Opener

Next, locate the “Learn” button on your Chamberlain LiftMaster garage door opener. The Learn button is typically located on the back or side of the motor unit and may be labeled as “Learn” or “Program.” Press and release the Learn button to put your garage door opener into programming mode.

: Choose a New Code

With the garage door opener in programming mode, it’s time to choose a new code for your Chamberlain LiftMaster garage door opener. Select a code that is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess. Avoid using common combinations such as “1234” or your birthdate, as these are easily compromised. Instead, opt for a unique combination of numbers that you can easily recall.

: Program the New Code into Your Opener

Now that you’ve chosen a new code, it’s time to program it into your Chamberlain LiftMaster garage door opener. The programming process may vary depending on the model of your opener, so refer to the owner’s manual or manufacturer’s website for specific instructions. In general, you’ll need to press a combination of buttons on the opener in a specific sequence to enter the new code.

: Test the New Code

Once you’ve programmed the new code into your Chamberlain LiftMaster garage door opener, it’s essential to test it to ensure that it’s working correctly. Stand within range of your garage door opener and enter the new code using the keypad or remote control. If the door responds as expected, congratulations! You’ve successfully changed the code on your Chamberlain LiftMaster garage door opener.

: Update Additional Devices

If you have additional remotes or keypads that are programmed to your garage door opener, you’ll need to update them with the new code as well. Follow the same process outlined above to program the new code into each remote or keypad, ensuring that all devices are synchronized with the updated code.

: Securely Store Your Remote and Keypad

Finally, once you’ve changed the code on your Chamberlain LiftMaster garage door opener, be sure to securely store your remote controls and keypads. Avoid leaving them in your car where they could be stolen or accessed by unauthorized individuals. Instead, keep them in a secure location inside your home where only you can access them when needed.


In conclusion, changing the code on your Chamberlain LiftMaster Garage Door Repair Mesa AZ is a simple yet effective way to enhance the security of your home and protect your belongings. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can update the code on your garage door opener quickly and easily, giving you peace of mind knowing that your home is secure. Remember to choose a unique code, program it into your opener, and test it to ensure proper functionality. With a few simple steps, you can enjoy added security and convenience with your Chamberlain LiftMaster garage door opener.

JT’s Overhead Doors

307 N Sandal, Mesa, AZ 85205, United States


How To Reprogram Garage Door Keypad – JT’s Overhead Doors

Reprogramming a Garage Door Repair Mesa AZ is a simple yet crucial task to ensure the security of your home. This process allows you to change the access code, preventing unauthorized entry.

While the specific steps may vary based on the brand and model of your garage door opener keypad, the following comprehensive guide provides general instructions applicable to many systems.

1. Identify Your Keypad Model: Start by identifying the make and model of your garage door opener keypad. The model information is often printed on the keypad itself or can be found in the user manual. Knowing the model is crucial for accessing accurate instructions for reprogramming.

2. Locate the Reset Button or Learn Button: Most garage door opener keypads have a reset or learn button, which is essential for reprogramming. This button is typically located on the back of the keypad, inside the battery compartment, or on the motor unit of the garage door opener. Consult your user manual to find the exact location of the reset or learn button for your keypad.

3. Clear Existing Codes (if needed): Before reprogramming the keypad, it’s advisable to clear any existing codes. This ensures that only the new code will be programmed. To clear existing codes, enter the current code followed by the reset or learn button, as per your user manual instructions.

4. Access Programming Mode: Press and hold the reset or learn button on the keypad until you see a light indicator or hear a beep, indicating that the keypad is in programming mode. The keypad is now ready to accept a new access code.

5. Enter the Current Code (if prompted): Some keypads may require you to enter the current code before allowing you to change it. If prompted, enter the existing code using the keypad.

6. Choose a New Code: Select a new, secure access code for your garage door keypad. Avoid easily guessable combinations and opt for a mix of numbers. The code should be memorable for you but challenging for others to guess.

7. Enter the New Code: Once you’ve chosen the new code, enter it on the keypad. Follow the specific instructions in your user manual for entering the code. This step is essential for programming the keypad with the new security information.

8. Test the New Code: After entering the new code, test its functionality by pressing the code on the keypad. The garage door should respond by opening or closing, depending on the desired function. This step verifies that the new code has been successfully programmed.

9. Program Additional Codes (if applicable): If your keypad allows multiple codes, you can program additional codes for family members or trusted individuals. Follow the user manual instructions for programming additional codes.

10. Keep the User Manual Handy: After successfully reprogramming the garage door keypad, keep the user manual in a convenient and accessible location. It can be helpful for future reference, especially if you need to reprogram or troubleshoot the keypad.

11. Consider Changing Codes Regularly: For enhanced security, consider changing the access code on your garage door keypad periodically. This proactive measure helps safeguard against potential security risks.

12. Replace Batteries (if needed): If your keypad uses batteries, replace them periodically to ensure optimal performance. Low batteries can affect the signal strength and lead to operational issues.

13. Consult User Manual for Troubleshooting: If you encounter difficulties during the reprogramming process or if the keypad is not working as expected, consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips. The manual may provide specific guidance for your garage door opener keypad model.

14. Seek Professional Assistance (if needed): If you encounter persistent issues or if the keypad is not working despite following the reprogramming instructions, consider seeking professional assistance. Garage door professionals have experience with various models and can diagnose and address keypad issues.


Reprogramming a Garage Door Repair Mesa AZ is a quick and effective way to enhance the security of your home. By following these general instructions and consulting the user manual for your specific keypad, you can successfully change the access code and ensure the safety of your garage. Regular maintenance, such as replacing batteries and keeping the user manual handy, contributes to the long-term functionality of your garage door keypad system.

JT’s Overhead Doors

307 N Sandal, Mesa, AZ 85205, United States


How To Reprogram Overhead Door Garage Door Opener – JT’s Overhead Doors

Reprogramming an Overhead Door Garage Door Repair Mesa AZ involves a systematic process to ensure a successful connection between the remote and the garage door opener.

Below is a comprehensive guide to help you reprogram your Overhead Door garage door opener, but keep in mind that specific steps may vary based on the model and type of your garage door opener.

1. Identify Your Overhead Door Opener Model: Start by identifying the model of your Overhead Door garage door opener. You can find this information on the motor unit or in the owner’s manual.

2. Locate the “Learn” Button: Most Overhead Door garage door openers have a “Learn” button on the motor unit. Find the “Learn” button, as it is crucial for programming new remotes. This button is typically located on the back or side of the motor unit.

3. Clear Existing Codes (if needed): If you are reprogramming the remote due to issues or changing the code, it’s recommended to clear out any existing codes from the opener’s memory. Press and hold the “Learn” button until the indicator light on the motor unit turns off. This ensures a clean slate for the new remote code.

4. Obtain a New Battery (if needed): If your remote is not working correctly, it might be due to a weak or dead battery. Open the remote and replace the battery with a new one, ensuring it is the correct type and properly installed.

5. Access Programming Mode: Press and release the “Learn” button on the garage door opener. The indicator light on the motor unit should start blinking or change its pattern, indicating that the opener is now in programming mode and ready to accept a new remote code.

6. Press the Button on the Remote: Within 30 seconds of activating programming mode, press the desired button on your Overhead Door garage door opener remote. Hold the remote close to the motor unit to ensure a strong signal. The indicator light on the motor unit should respond by either blinking, staying solid, or flashing multiple times.

7. Test the Remote: After programming, test the remote to ensure it’s working correctly. Stand within the range of the opener and press the button on the remote. The garage door should respond by either opening or closing.

8. Programming Multiple Remotes (if applicable): If you have multiple remotes, repeat the process for each one. Overhead Door garage door openers typically allow you to program several remotes to operate the same door.

9. Troubleshooting: If the reprogramming process is unsuccessful, consult your Overhead Door garage door opener’s manual for troubleshooting tips. Ensure you are following the correct procedure and that the remote is compatible with your opener.

10. Secure the Remote: Once successfully reprogrammed, keep your Overhead Door garage door opener remote secure. Avoid sharing the code or leaving the remote in an easily accessible location.

11. Regular Maintenance: To ensure continued functionality, periodically check and replace the remote’s battery. Keep the remote clean and free from debris that may interfere with its signal.

In conclusion, reprogramming your Overhead Door Garage Door Repair Mesa AZ involves identifying the opener model, locating the “Learn” button, clearing existing codes, obtaining a new battery, accessing programming mode, pressing the button on the remote, testing its functionality, programming multiple remotes if applicable, troubleshooting if necessary, securing the remote, and performing regular maintenance. Following these steps will help you successfully reprogram your Overhead Door garage door opener remote for smooth and secure operation.

JT’s Overhead Doors

307 N Sandal, Mesa, AZ 85205, United States


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